The photograph of this Blue Jay in a Tree was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York. The black bridle across the face, nape, and throat varies extensively and may help Blue Jays recognize one another.
The photograph of this Blue Jay in a Tree was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York. The black bridle across the face, nape, and throat varies extensively and may help Blue Jays recognize one another.
The picture of this Immature Common Grackle was photographed in Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Immature Common Grackles are more brown and not glossy with darker eyes than adults.
The picture of this Northern Rough-winged Swallow was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Northern Rough-winged Swallow was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Northern Rough-winged Swallow, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Winter Wren was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Winter Wren was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens. Per unit weight, the Winter Wren delivers its song with 10 times more power than a crowing rooster.
To hear the beautiful song of the Winter Wren, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Blackpoll Warbler Fall was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during fall migration. This Blackpoll Warbler Fall was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens.
To hear the song of the Blackpoll Warbler, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Swainson’s Thrush on Branch was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Swainson’s Thrush was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Swainson’s Thrush on Branch, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Eastern Kingbird with Flowers was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York during spring migration. This Eastern Kingbird was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Eastern Kingbird, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Blue-headed Vireo Cherry Blossoms was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn during spring migration. This Blue-headed Vireo was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV with the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Blue-headed Vireo, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Warbling Vireo with cherry blossoms was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. This Warbling Vireo was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Warbling Vireo, click on the arrow below.
This pretty male Northern Flicker perched on a headstone in Green-wood Cemetery was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III with Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II and the 2X extender on a clear day in early Autumn.
To hear the sounds of the Northern Flicker, click on the arrow below.
To hear the song of the Palm Warbler, click on the arrow below.
Palm Warbler