The picture of this Northern Parula Warbler was photographed in Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during Fall Migration. They tend to flutter around at the tips of branches quickly plucking insects or reaching out to grab prey.
The picture of this Northern Parula Warbler was photographed in Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during Fall Migration. They tend to flutter around at the tips of branches quickly plucking insects or reaching out to grab prey.
The picture of this lovely Gray Catbird was photographed at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. This Gray Catbird is named for its cat-like call. Like many members of the Mimidea (most famously mockingbirds), it also mimics the songs of other birds.
The picture of this Hermit Thrush Closeup was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. A more hardy bird than the other brown-backed thrushes, the Hermit Thrush migrates north earlier in spring and lingers later in fall than the others.
To hear the beautiful song of the Hermit Thrush, click on the arrow below.
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The picture of this Blackpoll Warbler Fall was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during fall migration. This Blackpoll Warbler Fall was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens.
To hear the song of the Blackpoll Warbler, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Merlin on Branch was photographed at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, NY. This Merlin on Branch was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the sounds of the Merlin, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Cedar Waxwing on branch was photographed at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York. This Cedar Waxwing was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Cedar Waxwing, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Peregrine Falcon Sub Adult was photographed at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens New York. This Peregrine Falcon Sub Adult was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the sounds of the Peregrine Falcon, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Eastern Phoebe on Branch was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. Seeing this Eastern Phoebe yesterday at Green-wood Cemetery is a sure sign that spring migration is starting here in New York City.
To hear the song of the Eastern Phoebe, click on the arrow below.
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The picture of this lovely Great-crested Flycatcher was photographed at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. This Great-crested Flycatcher was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the sounds of the Great-crested Flycatcher, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this American Crow was taken at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York The picture of this American Crow was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the sounds of the American Crow, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Northern Waterthrush was taken at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York. The picture of this Northern Waterthrush was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the Northern Waterthrush, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Cooper’s Hawk in Tree was taken at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York. The picture of this Cooper’s Hawk in Tree was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the Cooper’s Hawk, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Black-capped Chickadee in Snow was taken at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York. The picture of this Black-capped Chickadee in Snowwas photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the Black-capped Chickadee, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this American Robin Preening was taken at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York. The picture of this American Robin Preening was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the American Robin, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player
The picture of this Painted Bunting was taken in Prospect Park in Brooklyn where it has been for over a month causing a big sensation in Brooklyn. The picture of this Painted Bunting was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the Painted Bunting, click on the arrow below.
Audio Player