The photograph of this pretty Lincoln’s Sparrow on Thistle was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York.
The photograph of this pretty Lincoln’s Sparrow on Thistle was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York.
The picture of this Northern Parula Warbler was photographed in Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during Fall Migration. They tend to flutter around at the tips of branches quickly plucking insects or reaching out to grab prey.
The picture of this Chestnut-sided Warbler Fall was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. The Chestnut-sided Warbler sings two basic songs: one is accented at the end (the pleased-to-meetcha song), and the other is not.
The picture of this Black-throated Green Warbler during fall migration was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. Many bird watchers know its distinctive and persistent song, sometimes transcribed as trees trees I love trees, that’s easy to remember.
The picture of this handsome Male House Finch on a branch was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. You can find House Finches by looking around settled habitats, such as city parks, urban centers, residential backyards, farms, and forest edges.
The Eastern Kingbird is a sturdy, medium-sized songbird with a large head, upright posture, square-tipped tail, and a relatively short, straight bill.
The picture of this Male House Finch on Branch was taken at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York. The red of a male House Finch comes from pigments contained in its food during molt.
The picture of this pretty male Prairie Warbler was photographed in the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn New York during spring migration. i Prairie Warblers forage actively on tree branches in search of insects.
To hear the song of the Prairie Warbler, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Winter Wren was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Winter Wren was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens. Per unit weight, the Winter Wren delivers its song with 10 times more power than a crowing rooster.
To hear the beautiful song of the Winter Wren, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Prairie Warbler Fall was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Prairie Warbler Fall was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Prairie Warbler, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Swainson’s Thrush on Branch was photographed at Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. This Swainson’s Thrush was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark IV and the Canon 100-400 II lens
To hear the song of the Swainson’s Thrush on Branch, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Golden-crowned Kinglet on Tree was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. Kinglets are one of my favorite birds to photograph as they are always moving about and it so rewarding to get a still image. I find they are not very skittish which helps a lot.
To hear the song of the Golden-crowned Kinglet, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Louisiana Waterthrush was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. The Louisiana Water forages by gleaning insects from submerged vegetation. This bird was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the Louisiana Waterthrush, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Golden-crowned Kinglet was photographed at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY during spring migration. The picture of this Golden-crowned Kinglet was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the song of the, click on the arrow below.
The picture of this Red-tailed Hawk was taken at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. The picture of this Red-tailed Hawk was photographed with the Canon 5D Mark III Canon 300mm f2.8 IS II with the 2X extender.
To hear the sounds of the Red-tailed Hawk, click on the arrow below.